Welcome to the world of a galaxy of Basketball Stars from yester-years. Contributed by a number of senior basketball players who have brought glory to Karnataka (and Mysore State) in the past. We have compiled the memorable photos in the order of years. Wherever we have the names of people in the photo, we have provided them below and wherever we don’t have the names, we have put it as “xxxxx”. If in case you know any of the missing names or name of the event or year or location, or you have some old memories to share, please do send the details to KSBBA office at

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Karnataka State – WINNERS South Zone Championships, 1976-Ananthpur (AP)

Standing (L-R): Narayanaswamy, Rathnam (Coach), M A Parthasarathy, B Chandrappa, Sri B S Narayan, Sri J B Mallaradhya, S A Rangadev (Capt), Madhav Murthy (Mgr), G Dilip Sitting (L-R): S R Arvind, Sridhar J Patankar, M C Selvakumar, R T Vishwanath

Karnataka State Boys Team for Nationals 1974 – New Delhi

Standing (L-R): Krishna, Harinath, Krishne Gowda, M. C. Srinivas, S. R. Arvind, Nanjundaiah, G. Dilip, Madhava Rao, Prakasha
Sitting: Nandakumar, Velu, Rajkumar, Mallikarjun, Prabhakar

Mysore State Team – Ceylon Basketball Championships, 1971 – Ceylon

Standing (L-R): Neena Srinivasan, Usha, Kala, xxxxx, I J Sudhakar, K Rajagopal, M A Parthasarathy, Shivalingaiah, M J Ramanujam, xxxxx, Ramar Sitting (L-R): xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx

Indian Team – Asian Basketball Championships, 1970 – Bangkok

Standing (L-R): Khushi Ram, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, Abbas Moontasir, xxxxx, K Rajagopal, S A Rangadev, xxxxx Kneeling (L-R): xxxxx, xxxxx, Surinder Kataria, M M Singh, Hari Ram, xxxxx

Mysore State Team – National Championships, 1969 – Calcutta

Standing (L-R): S A Rajashekar, S V Krishnamurthy, K Rajagopal, S V Jayaram, S A Rangadev, Subbaiah, R Jairaj Kneeling (L-R): M A Parthasarathy, M J Ramanujam, Arun Kumar, Vijendra Devadasan, Dhanpal

Mysore State Team – National Basketball Championships, 1962 – Bangalore

Standing (L-R): K Rajagopal, xxxxx, N C Parappa, S Narasimharajan, xxxxx, xxxxx, S Rangarajan Kneeling (L-R): xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx

Mysore State (Men & Women) Teams – National Championships, 1962 – Bangalore

Standing (L-R): xxxxx, xxxxx, K Rajagopal, xxxxx, N C Parappa, S Narasimharajan, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, S Rangarajan Kneeling (L-R): xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx