The Karnataka State Basketball Association Felicitated for the Karnataka State Sub Junior Girls, Youth Girls, and Senior Women Teams who won the medals in the year 2022, at Karnataka Olympic Bhavan, at Sri Kanteerava Stadium Sports Complex, Bangalore today. Totally Rs.10.00 lakh worth of Cash Prizes were given to the following teams:
1. The Karnataka State Sub Junior Girls Team Won Gold Medal in 47th Sub junior National Basketball Championship-2022 at Khangra (Himachal Pradesh). Rs.5.00 lakhs
2. Youth Girls team won the Bronze Medal in 37th Youth National Basketball Championship-2022 at Indore (Madhya Pradesh). Rs.3.00 lakhs.
3. Karnataka Senior women Team 4th Place in 72nd Senior National Basketball Championship-2022 held at Udaipur (Rajasthan) Rs.2.00 lakhs
The Cash Prizes given by Dr.K.Govindaraj MLC, President FIBA Asia and Hon. Secretary –KSBBA. Shri B.Dayananda IPS Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City and President KSBBA and Shri R. Rajan Vice President-KSBBA attended the function.